Three Nuns tobacco in my trusty Dr. Grabow pipe this cloudy Phoenix morning.

Morning friends. Rivendell from The Country Squire in the pipe this morning while I wait for the pool repairman to take a look at our malfunctioning pump.

Bishop Scott is synthesizing and analyzing a tremendous amount of key ideas for the Christian community here. Really outstanding work.

A glimpse from today’s visit to the Desert Botanical Garden.

Saturday morning at home.

Ordained a priest 7 years ago today. So grateful to God and to those that he has called me to serve. I’m especially thankful for my wife, Amber, who is a constant support, source of wisdom, and inspiration to me as she serves faithfully in her own ministries.

Daytime desk pic

Pretty happy with how my home workspace is coming together. Trying to purposely create a different vibe for a different kind of creative work than I do in my church study.

Dusty’s stress at my wife Amber going out on the lake is palpable in this photo, I think.

Woods Canyon Lake, AZ

This commentary on Luke reads like a bunch of really great sermons. Which is probably its genesis!

Battle station ready for my Monday morning sermon prep focus session (reading/research)

I need these prayers

Today we commemorate St.. James, who demontrates that leadership and authority in the church have much more to do with the Spirit of self-giving than getting things done.

📚 Some gems found today at Costco, of all places: a great Sherlock Holmes box set, a really helpful collection of key American writings and political speeches, and a fascinating compilation of Eastern philosophy, all in fantastic looking bindings and covers.Great stuff to have on hand for the whole fam!

So thankful to be the father of these amazing humans

Sun’s going down

Erin Go Bragh tobacco Knob Creek 9 Year bourbon
Happy Father’s Day!

View from the deck where we’re staying right now in Prescott, AZ.

Happy Monday of Easter Week, friends! I’m giving Royal Yacht a try and so far I like it!
A prayer for today from my Anglican tradition–in hopes it will be a blessing:
Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that we who celebrate with reverence the Paschal feast may be made worthy to attain to everlasting joys; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.