Early morning, an Easter poem
The Resurrection of God-come-to-as-us-one-of-us–
can only be
the Declaration: no one else has to die– not one– to right the world, humanity is healed, true Light will always scatter the darkness,
the Proclamation: self-preservation is wholly unnecessary because the Holy One never saw corruption, entrusting instead of defending,
the Announcement: there is no King but Christ, making many nations one multi-lingual people of Redemption, answering to no State but Love, in Word, Spirit, Divinity,
the Hope: humanity destined for divination, Creation-cosmos, restored at last!
Angels sing with Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve,
–as we weep from relief, falling into the eternal rest of mercy and grace–
Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God!
To know you and to be known by you is to find you All in All,
forever and without end.