I’m not saying I never miss it, but you know, I never regret starting my day with Scripture & prayer.

I know the whole Inbox Zero thing can be taken to an extreme but it does feel good to get there once a week or so.

Been a while since I checked in with Workflowy. The Kanban board view and presentation features are killer. I may transition from Trello.

Dusty had a couple skin tags removed. Inflatable donut seems more comfortable for him than the Cone of Shame 😆

Amazing use for AI - had a client send me an image with lots of text I had to replicate. Instead of typing it out, I just asked Claude to do it for me! Took all of 5 seconds and the transcription was flawless!

What is the message the Apostles received and passed on?

God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.

1 John 1:5

Just released: I’m fine.

Back to my alternative roots.

We were so grateful for the opportunity to do a re-design (from the ground up!) for Restoration Community Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona!

This church is doing amazing work in the community.

Listen to what Pastors Reggie & Annie have to say:

“Our primary focus is on restoration – the wellbeing and healing of individuals and families in mind, body, soul, and spirit.

We believe that through the transformative power of Christ’s love, manifested in our fervent prayer, Spirit-filled worship, and sound biblical teaching, lives will be renewed and made whole again.”


Not only did we handle the design, but we gladly took care of the hosting, domain, and all technical details so the pastoral staff and volunteers can do what they do best!!

Live site (may vary from screenshot): https://rcmag.org

AI/spiritual being

Thinking about the ethics of disclosing how I use AI in various capacities, both in design and for the church. AI has become a regular conversation partner for me and a tool I use often to manipulate/format text, come up with ideas, and get feedback on drafts. I also use it to generate summaries of material I create (like sermons) that I edit for YouTube descriptions, etc.

🕊 A blessed Pentecost to all! 🔥

Now using a slightly customized version of the excellent Tiny Theme.

LAUNCHED: Rising Sun Coaching and Consulting

Beth was an amazing client and doing amazing, positive work in the world!

Priest thinking about web design

I feel blessed to be in the place that I’m in: both fulfilling my priestly calling, and working to build a web design business that provides for my family and makes a positive contribution to the world.

Why I started a web design business

St. George is the patron saint of Ethiopia. A fitting drink for tonight’s Ethiopian feast at Abyssinia.

Really enjoy my ESV Reader’s Bible, but can confirm the beautiful cloth over board cover definitely attracts dog hair 🤦‍♂️😂

Don’t have a lot of CDs but here’s a stack of a few I have left I’ll be taking out to the car

So grateful

Photo of a cross with the words 'Holy Week at Desert Mission Anglican Church'

For anyone in the Phoenix area: you are warmly welcomed to join me and the rest of my church for worship this week. 🗺️ Location

⁜ Holy Week 2024 ⁜

🥖 Maundy Thursday

6:30pm – Holy Communion with Tennebrae

Arrive at least 20 minutes before service to make use of space and clean towels ready for footwashing prior to service

Come with a friend or family to wash each other’s feet, or allow member of the clergy to serve you.

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” - Jesus (John 13:14, ESV)

✝️ Good Friday

8:30am - 3:30pm – Open Chapel for Silent Prayer

6:00pm – Stations of the Cross

Interactive, devotional service with Communion from the Reserve to meditate on our Lord’s walk to the Cross

🕯️ Easter Vigil

6:00 pm – Service of Light & Lessons

The Easter Celebration begins!! Lighting of the New Fire, Procession with the Paschal Candle, Readings proclaiming the mighty acts of God, & Classic hymns.

☀️ Easter Sunday

9:30am – Holy Eucharist

Join us for a special service of joy as our Easter celebration culminates in Holy Communion.

Business cards!!